Brewster Washers
16 Kulick Road
Fairfield, New Jersey 07004
Phone: 973-227-1050
Fax: 973-227-2363
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Brass Washers, Shims, Blanks and Discs
Half-Hard Brass and Spring Brass ranging in thicknesses from .001 - .080. Half-Hard and Spring Temper Brass are made up of 68-69% Copper and 31-32% Zinc. The difference is in the yield and tensile strength.
Tensile Strength is the resistance of a material to breaking under tension.
Half Hard Brass has a Tensile of 62 -63
Spring Brass has a Tensile of 67
Yield is the stress at which a predetermined amount of permanent deformation occurs.
Half Hard Brass has a Yield of 48-49
Spring Brass has a Yield of 45-47
"Your Blueprint is Our Catalog"
AS9100:2016/ISO9001:2015 Certified
DTCC Registration # is M28972
US/Canada Defense Logistics Joint Registration #DD2345
DFARS 252.225-7009 Compliant Metals
Cage Code: 08555
Benefits of Brass Washers:
Brass Washers are used in Plumbing, Heating and Electronics
Low Frictions Applications
Brass is non-magnetic
Brass can be Nickel-Plated
Brass has good electrical and heat conductivity

Always committed to producing the best products,
Brewster Washers continues to offer precision parts
proudly made by the American Workforce